Monday, November 15, 2010

Two of the worst things I can think of: Insurance companies and dentists (mostly insurance companies)

Now, I have no problem with dentists as people, in fact, I think it's a very important job that they do. But I despise going to the dentist. Seriously. I must be one of the worst dental patients out there. I squirm. I whine. I whimper.  It's bad.

So, insurance will pay for your dental visits every six months. Conversely, dentists peer pressure you to come every six months.  I sometimes try skipping a year or two. But then do they ever let me have it at the dentist's office!  And how! 

I am trying not to pass this fear on to my children and so far so good with Coen. Lucy's first appointment is in February. Keep your fingers crossed!

Anyway, I went to the dentist in Feburary of this year for the first time since 2008. I know, I know, that is way too long a time to wait.  But I kept thinking about making an appointment, and putting it off.... finally I did it.  And I squirmed and wiggled and whimpered and when they took my blood pressure before hand (I'm not sure why they have to do that when checking my teeth) boy was it high!

Then, I was a very good girl and I called in the summer to make another appointment six months later.  In August. I went and actually it was completely not as bad as the February appointment. I did decline the flouride rinse because insurance doesn't cover that (jerks) and the last time I hadn't realized and got stuck with an extra $50 bill. 

A couple weeks go by and I'm still basking in the glow of my great fear tackling and supreme responsibility in going for my six-month check up...when I get a bill in the mail.  A BILL! Apparently, insurance has not covered my last check up.  I call to find out why. 

'Well', the lady tells me in a very condescending voice. 'Your insurance only covers one visit in a six-month period and this was two visits in a six-month period.' 
'No!', I say indignantly.  'I went in February of 2010 and then I went in August of 2010. That's six months.'
'Well,' she says again, 'Your appointment in February was on the 25th and your appointment in August was on the 23rd.'
Two days shy of six months.
Are you effing kidding me?
I didn't say that of course, though I wanted to.  I asked what I could do and she suggested I write a letter of appeal.

Today I recieved my response.


What the?!

I called and left a very assertive message on the Claims Specialist's voice mail and he called me back saying basically that I could appeal it again and it would go to a higher level appeal process but in, short, it will get denied. 

What kind of crap is this, I ask you? I was two days short of six months and previously had not been for two years.  So I say it all evens out. 

So, I say, down with insurance and their petty rules. I don't even LIKE going to the dentist.  I went out of shame and dental peer pressure and now I have a $150 bill I can't afford. 

Don't worry about me though dear readers. I am not done with this, no sir! I will not go down without a fight!I'll let you know how it all turns out.

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