Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well, I spent $63.59 in the consumer world yesterday.  I know, I know.

But Coen's school is starting a lower elementary soccer team.  I had to get him cleats, shin guards, shorts and socks.  But just look at the picture.  Come on!  Wasn't it worth it?

His first game is on Saturday.

Monday, September 27, 2010

On Sale This Week: A big hunk of meat!

So I will do my grocery shopping, per usual, on Wednesday when it is double coupon day. This week's big ticket item? A big hunk of meat.  Boooooring!  It is a boneless beef chuck roast. If you purchase you get a free bag of potatoes, carrots and celery.  Hmmmmm...How to make this interesting....

The cool thing about the grocery store ad is if you go online, you can click on specials of the week and it often gives you a recipe to go along with it--so you know what to make!  This week's recipe: pot roast with vegetables.  The instructions include a dutch oven.  Pot roast!? Dutch oven?!  I don't even have a dutch oven and I am sorry, but I am not making a pot roast. What is this? 1952?

Okay, okay, I'm sure some of you out there make a mean pot roast, but I can't do it. And furthermore, if I did do it, my kids wouldn't eat it. And if any of you, my dear readers are mothers or fathers who spend forever planning meals, preparing meals, cooking meals and serving meals only to have your sweet little angels turn their noses up at all your labors....well, it is an unpleasant thing indeed.

But I googled "Beef chuck roast recipe". I'm learning to be a better googler, by the way. There was a time when I'd have googled "What do do with a beef chuck roast when you don't want to make a pot roast"  Seriously.  Tad is teaching me to be less verbose in my googling.  So "beef chuck roast recipe" yielded of course many results but I found one that's sure to strike the fancy of all of my family members.  Barbeque pulled beef sandwiches. That's what we're having on Thursday and Friday with broccoli and some tortilla chippies.  I might even buy an avocado!

Let's hear it for big chunks of meat. And google.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dinner outings abound

I'll tell you what I'm glad for:  I don't have to make dinner for three nights in a row!!!

tonight: We are going to Tad's school program's potluck at his teachers house.  I made mint brownies to contribute

tomorrow: We are going to our friend Jen & Connor's house

saturday: We are going to my sister's house

Three nights!  That's what I'm glad for!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thank you

You know what birthday parties mean? Thank you cards! And lots of 'em.  Coen had a total of fourteen people/families give him wonderful, fun, and thoughtful gifts this year for his 7th birthday.
Do I have money to go buy thank you cards? No!
So here's a quick and easy way to make thank you cards with a personal touch.

Take come coloring book pages, or free hand drawings that your kid made (or better yet, have them draw something for the occasion) and cut them out into small, card size squares or rectangles. Frame them on colored paper that brings out the color in the drawing or picture and paste them on colored paper cut into card size.  Then you write the message on white paper, cut that out and paste it on the inside part of the card.  There you have it!

Coen's turned out lovely.

p.s. We save all of Lucy's drawings done on big paper at daycare and use them for wrapping paper!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Breakdown at Betty Brinn's

So on Saturday, a school picnic got cancelled due to rain and the though of keeping our two children occupied and away from each other (every time they were in a room alone a scream of "MOMMY!" or "DADDY!" or "He hit me!" or "She won't leave me alone" erupted) indoors all morning.  My parents had purchased recently a Betty Brinn's Children's museum family membership and put mine and Tad's names on it.
 Off we went to visit the Children's Museum. (Or the Children's Merneezum, as Coen used to call it) for FREE!!  We went up to the desk, as we always do and the the clerk looked at us and her computer screen and then told me we'd need to pay for one adult.
Immediately I panicked.  I should have taken a deep breath and assessed the situation, but I had two impatient kids and just enough on my check card for one more round of groceries before we get paid again.
I told her in a controlled voice that we'd gotten in before on my parents' card, no problem. But she informed me that this is for grandparents and one caregiver only and my husband and I were clearly two caregivers. 
"You're still getting a really good deal", she said to me.
"We don't have any money." I said like a petulant child
I called my mom
She spoke to the clerk like a mom does when she's sticking up for her daughter who is upset.
They ended up letting us in "just this time". I was embarrassed about raising a stink. But I figured, 'oh well, I won't see her again today anyway.'
So off we went venturing around the museum.  We went to the body exhibit. And who was there dusting off the exhibit structures but my good friend from the desk. Dang it!
We went over to the pretend/town area. Who was there picking up garbage but my friend again! Sheesh!
When we went downstairs to have a snack, there she was, sweeping the foyer.  My son engaged her in conversation and and pointed out how similar her hair was to his mommy's. "Mommy, come here!" he yelled to me, "Look at your hairs!"  She smiled at me indulgently. I felt like an ass.
Oh well, at least we didn't have to pay.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Star Wars Party

So my baby boy turned 7 today.  I can NOT believe I have a seven year old boy. How did this happen?!  Yesterday we threw him a Star Wars Party. I let him choose seven friends to invite (we had 8 come) to his party. I was first of all, pleased he chose two kids from his new 1st grade class, and 2nd of all pleased that he chose 2 girls to come!
I told parents they could drop off (never have had a party like that before) so we had 10 children (including ours) in our house for 2 hours--just Tad and I in charge.  Because of that, I had an agenda-down to the minute for the party.  Here it was:
The kids arrived and until everyone arrived, we had them play in the playroom.
Once everyone was there, I gathered them around and presented each kid with a pretzel rod light saber. I gave them a speech about them being the weapon of a Jedi but how Jedis are peaceful, etc..  They also drank "Jawa Juice" punch made of 7-up, blue kool-aid and rainbow sherbet. 
After they ate their light sabers we went outside to play "Jedi Says" (Simon says)
Then I had them gather round the picnic table and gave each kid a small pot.  They painted the pots (silver, green, blue, purple and yellow) and then each scooped soil into their pots. Then I handed out Black-Eyed Susan seeds, telling them they were magical seeds for a flower that grows on the forest moon of Endor.  The pollen makes people invisible and Ewoks use them to hide from enemies. I told them that they'd never been planted on Earth so I wasn't sure if they'd work.  They planted and watered their seeds and then held their hands aloft, using The Force to make them work, when they grow.
After this Tad engaged the kids in a wild game that he and Coen have lately been playing (of their invention) where Tad launches balls at Coen who tries to get them away with his hands and makeshift light saber. They loved that.
Then it was cake time.  A Baskin Robbins ice cream cake.  And presents.  Tad looked up at me during the presents and said "Eighteen minutes to go!"  They had just enough time to resume playroom play when all parents arrived for pick up.  It was a success.  We were proud.
The cake was the most expensive part of the party- $31.00
The decorations, materials for the light sabers - $10.00
The juice - $3.00

It was a $44.00 success and Coen had a great time!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Burritos, delicious they were.

 Just a note: yesterday's post got posted this morning!  Oops.

Yesterday we used our Chipotle gift card.  All four of us piled in the care after work/school/daycare and drove to Chipotle. The kids giggled, trying to say the name of the restaurant and Tad and I held hands while he drove.

I had brought Lucy's spaghettios from home (she doesn't like Mexican, my picky girl.)  We got in line and ordered and Lucy asserted that she wanted the RESTAURANT'S spaghettios and not ones from home. While she wasn't looking, the wonderful staff of Chipotle put her spaghettios in a chipotle bowl and garnished it with shredded cheese. Lucy was none the wiser.  We ate our dinner and headed home with leftovers. 

After Lucy was in bed Tad, Coen, and I made popcorn and poured beverages and together cozied up on the couch and watched The Empire Strikes Back. We have been reading the original Star Wars books with Coen and when he finishes, we let him watch the movie with us after bedtime.

This is a wonderful free form of entertainment....letting your kid stay up past bedtime and watch a movie cuddling with mom and dad. 


After Wednesday's frustration with all the work that goes into living/eating simply, yesterday a really nice thing happened.

My coworker Diana came up to me with two gift cards. One to Noodles and one to Chipotle.  She told me she heard about my situation, and hadn't known. So I told her about Tad's schooling and how excited we are about it. Then I thanked her for the gift cards. She said they weren't from her. They were from someone who wished to remain anonymous. For now.  Wow.

I can't even begin to describe what a gift that was.  My plan for tonight was to take the three pounds of chicken thighs out of the freezer to thaw and then spend tonight making crock-pot Chicken Cacciatore.  The last thing I wanted to do tonight (after having made hummus and tabbouleh for a dinner party Sunday afternoon, African peanut stew for dinner Monday and Tuesday, chicken nuggets and another noodle dish for my kids who don't like African stew, potato leek soup on Tuesday for Wednesday and Thursday, homemade spaghettios for my daughter who won't eat potato leek soup, not to mention baked banana bread, chocolate chip cookies, and pretzel light sabers)....the last thing I wanted to do tonight was to MAKE MORE FOOD!

So thank you thank you anonymous donor, from the very bottom of my heart, and also from my brain--who needs a break--because I don't WANT chicken cacciatore on a Friday  night. I don't want to prepare or even REHEAT anything on a Friday night. So thanks to you...we are going to pick up some burritos from Chipotle tomorrow and I am going to breathe a big, happy sigh of relief.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


If you've been reading my blog, you know that I am keeping pretty positive about this whole thing.  And if you know me, personally, you know that I am a positive person overall.
But I have to say, as of late, I feel like my entire life is ALL FOOD.
I am shopping for food, preparing food, making food, cooking food, packaging food, freezing food, thawing food, thinking about recipes and coupons and grocery store fliers and sales. I am stirring it, mashing it, recycling it...not to mention eating it.

I do realize that part of the problem is that I have yet to get into a groove. I realized that if I make a huge dinner on Sunday (when I have time), it can last Monday through Wednesday even and then I don't have to do anything but reheat.  Also, it is warm-ish so there are a lot of bananas, zucchinis and tomatoes that are suddenly going bad and have to be baked, mashed or cooked into a bread or a sauce or a cookie and then frozen for later. I will have this down to a science by winter.

I also realize that it is Coen's birthday weekend and also three school events to which I have to bring food in the next seven days. That will not always be the case, of course.

I'm sick of food.  But alas, dinner time will come and I will eat again.    As a matter of fact, I'll sign off now to have a snack.  And I'm telling you all about it. I'll think neither positively or negatively...just blogitively.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Going over

Well, I did my grocery shopping today and it came to $93.08.  Now, obviously that is almost $20.00 more than I'm supposed to be spending on my groceries BUT... besides this week's meals, I also had to shop for Coen's TWO birthday parties, an all school picnic (potluck), an all school meeting (bring a dish), and family coming over for dinner on Sunday.  Oh and it was our turn this week to contribute to Coen's school snack.

So subtract $5.00 for two cantaloupes for school.
Subtract $11.00 for three cases of soda for Coen's family birthday party Sunday.
Subtract $9.00 for the grilling stuff I would not have otherwise bought for the family coming over

That brings my total to $68.08.  So there.

 They are re-organizing and re-doing the entire pick-n-save on State Street in Wauwatosa.  I used to be able to whip through that store and get my groceries got in 30 minutes flat.  Now, with my new, calculator, grocery store savings flyer and organized list system, it is taking me an hour to shop.  And today! Today, the honey was in the soap aisle, the bread was in the cheese aisle, the tomato sauce was in the boxed food aisle and the baking supplies were in the cereal aisle!  It was like a scavenger hunt trying to get my groceries.  It took me almost an hour and a half!  But I was backtracking and hunting and laughing and one of the Pick-n-Save employees told me I had the right attitude.  I should hope so!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You can't buy it

   It doesn't matter what I make, as a sole-income earner, or what we make when we're both working. It doesn't matter what kind of retirement plan I have or the brand names of food I can buy.  What matters, what always matters, is right now.  And if my right now, whenever and wherever that is--now and later... includes living a life I love with people I love, then I am happy.
  And my right now, at this moment, includes this phone conversation that I just had with Tad.

Me: Hello?
Tad: Speaking of gorgeous.
Me: (laughing) Hi baby.
Tad: I just walked outside for lunch and while you beat this day a million to one, it is still lovely out.
Me: I love you.
Tad: I just want you to know that I know I am in the right place right now.

He goes on to tell me about some concerns Coen was expressing about his first grade classroom and some of the rules (which are new to him--going from kindergarten to first grade--elementary school--is a big transition for him).  Tad was able to express these concerns with his teachers at the Montessori Institute and they assured him about some things and gave him some ideas for talking to Coen about it.

We talk more and I remind him that we're having African Peanut Chicken Stew tonight...  over rice.  A very cheap and fun thing to make.  If its good, I'll post the recipe!

We both hang up feeling good and I take my lunch break to go for a walk outside in the gorgeous day.

Friday, September 10, 2010

10 pounds of potatoes

I just want everyone to know that we managed to use 10 pounds of potatoes in two weeks.

We had:

1. Chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn on the cob
    (Dinner party with six adults and four kids)
2. Potato salad
    (Picnic lunch celebrating Tad's, his dad's and his sister's birthday)
3.  Fancy dinner with pork and roasted veggies
    (Made last week and lasting for two dinners and two lunches)
4. Hashbrowns
    (Breakfast for dinner on Tuesday night)
5. Chicken, baked potatoes and broccoli
    (Dinner last night!)

Never thought I'd get through it all, but I did!  Yay, us!

Monday, September 6, 2010


We woke up this morning to a lovely thunderstorm and the kids both brought a host of stuffed animals downstairs to cuddle with on the couch while they watched some morning public television.

After I while, I asked Lucy if she wanted to help me in the kitchen and we dragged a stool over to the counter and she happily climbed on top ready for instructions.

We poured the following into a big bowl:
4 cups of quick oats
1 cup of sunflower seeds (shelled)
1/3 cup of flour
1 t cinnamon
1/4 t nutmeg
a pinch of brown sugar (mostly to make it interesting for Lucy--she likes to taste the sugar :)

We mixed it all around with a big wooden spoon.  Then I heated the following in the microwave for about 1.5 minutes

1/3 cup vegetable oil
1/3 cup honey

We poured that over the mixture and spread it out on a greased cookie sheet.

We put it in the oven at 325 degrees for 20 minutes.

Let it cool and break it up and there you have it!  Homemade granola.


And it makes the amount of a box of granola which tends to run $4.00 or so. This will cost about a total of $2.00

Try it!!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Date night

Tad and I had a date night last night, which was mostly free, thanks to Milwaukee in the summer.  Also thanks to my in-laws who were kind enough to let us drop our kids off yesterday at dinnertime and keep them until later today.
Yesterday Tad participated in a Fantasy Football draft at his friend's house.  A friend who was kind enough to cover Tad's cost of the league fees, realizing that he'll likely win. Apparently, my husband is good at fantasy sports. I don't understand it at all, but I suppose it's no more inane than me checking facebook several times a day.  We all have our guilty pleasures.  Anyway, families were invited over there after the draft so Tad and I ate an early dinner there with the kids.  Then we took them over to their grandparents'
For our date, we went to Made in Milwaukee, a free event with music, art and food.  We weren't too hungry, so we split a crepe between us, so our dinner was $3.00 apiece.  Then we took a long walk around our old east side neighborhood and went home to watch a netflix movie and go to bed.
Today, the date continues.  We used the kid-free time to walk to outpost for a smoothie, coffee, baked-good breakfast and walked back home to clean and organize closets and rooms.  I cleaned up and fixed up a dollhouse we got from a coworker of mine. It is in tip-top shape now, all the furniture and dolls in a pretty tissue paper lined box, ready to wrap for Lucy's 3rd birthday in November.  Tad organized his closets and and before he put all this clothes in the goodwill pile, I grabbed the stuff that would make good scrap fabric for sewing projects.
Now I'm waiting for my homemade pizza dough to rise, pizza for dinner tonight when the kids get home. 
Also, I walked around that art fair yesterday and did not buy a single. lovely, handmade thing.  And I lived to tell the tale!

Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, I did some spurging.  I am not remorseful. 

Splurge #1: Coen has not been eating his lunches.  When questioned why, he reported that his lunch box is soggy and smells funny.  I inspected. Indeed, it smells funny and a small tear on the inner lining is collecting moisture AND food smells.  SO...upon request, I went online and bought him a Star Wars lunch box. He's going to love it. I don't care if it was $15.00 (including shipping).
Splurge #2: Sometimes you just have to pay for quality. Three of four of us in our family have a nice Sigg Metal water bottle.  Lucy has a knock-off from Target. It is a piece of crap. She cannot open it by herself. In fact neither Tad nor Coen can open it by themselves either. I have to open it. With my teeth.  I am going to buy her a Sigg one.  I have not made this spurge yet.... but I'm telling you; its going to happen.
Splurge #3 (The last): Today, Tad and I spent the day with just Lucy. I believe this is only the second or third time in her life that she's spent a WHOLE DAY with Tad and me. No big brother. (he was at school)  Coen spent his first four years of life with just Tad and me so I'm happy that we got to do this. So we went to Alterra. We spent $13.00.  We got two coffees (and two refills), a milk, a piece of pumpkin chocolate chip bread (Lucy's favorite) and a quiche.  It had to be done.

We took Lucy to Betty Brinn's (free -- we have an already purchased membership -- thanks Mom and Dad)  We ate a lunch at home (Thanks $76.77 worth of groceries) and then during Lucy's nap, we watched a movie on the couch in the middle of the day.  (thanks Netflix)
Oh!  Well, then.
Splurge #4:  I am sorry, but if I can't go to any movies, concerts, plays or sporting events for the duration of the year, I'm not getting rid of Netflix. No way. No how. 
So there.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Autumn is a time for birthdays in the life of my family. And birthdays lead a person to thinking: presents & parties.  And presents & parties lead a person to thinking: money.  *Sigh*
Now, today my husband, partner, love-of-my-life turns 36.  I've already taken care of the cake issue (if you read yesterday's blog) $10.00 chocolate chip cookie cake at Sentry.  But a present.  Hmmmm.  Obviously I will not be indulging in the capitalist venture of buying him a shirt or tie or cd or concert tickets like I have been wont to do in years past.  But really, I don't want to give him nothing!  So here's what I'm doing:  I have printed up a series of three (very adorable) pictures of Tad with his children.  When we were in the Dells this summer, and had to wait an extrordinarily long time at a restaurant for our food, Tad let Coen and Lucy, climb on his lap and color his white t-shirt with crayons.  It kept them involved for at least twenty minutes and was a lovely sight to behold.  Looking at the pictures, it really hit me what a great dad he is.  I'm not sure how many people would allow two children to create arwork upon their person, but Tad doing so showed his patience, creativity and absolute dedication to his kids and their needs at that moment.  So I have printed three of those photos and will matte them with colorful art work by the aforementioned children. All I have to buy is a cheap triple frame from Michael's craft store.  Voilla!  Birthday present!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First day of school

 Today was Coen's first day of first grade.  We dropped Lucy off at daycare and then Tad and I took Coen to school together.  It was raining, so there was not the usual revelry and crowd of children and parents on the playground.  We sat in the foyer, Coen nestled on my lap, me trying not to transfer my nervous energy to him.  When they called his class, he jumped up and lined up with his classmates. I cried the second we got in the car.
Then I went grocery shopping.  $76.77 today, and I had to buy some cleaning stuff--hand soap refill jug, sponges and the like!  Tomorrow I'll spend an extra $20.  Four cases of bubbly water at Sentry and Tad's birthday cake.  Sentry has these incredibly delicious chocolate chip cookie cakes for only $10.00, no matter how much frosting you order to be piled upon it.  Pretty good deal for a birthday cake!
After school/work was done for the day, we were in the car and heading home. Tad said, "I wish we could go out to dinner tonight."  I felt exactly the same. The last thing I wanted to do was eat pork and potatoes for the third night in a row and there was NO WAY we were getting the kids to eat it again. Then I remembered the Culvers gift cards--one I'd one and two more generously given me by a coworker.
So we went to Culvers. Coen and Lucy had kids meal and Tad and I split an adults meal.  We all had ice cream for dessert.  Know how much it cost?  Zero dollars and zero cents.  $0.00.
Happy first day of school, everyone.