Thursday, November 4, 2010

Wig out at Woodmans

Sometimes it just feels like too much to do. Between the planning and grocery shopping and cooking, and trying to switch insurance and all the things that go along with this particular income situation..along with being a mother and having a full time job and trying to do things I enjoy like blogging and playing my guitar...I feel like I don't have TIME!!!!   And when it feels like to much to do, I make lists for myself with days I will get things done.  Yesterday was grocery shopping. I had an hour allotted to get to Woodmans and shop and then go pick Lucy up from daycare.

I did my shopping and pushed my cart up to the line and once I got to the checkout, my card was denied. Apparently they were having problems with certain debit cards. They put my order on hold while I tried to withdraw money from the ATM, then outside at the neighbor bank's ATM, and the gas station's ATM.  By this time, I was well over my allotted hour and late for Lucy and I came back into Woodman's and I LOST IT!

I started to cry and blubber about "I don't have time!" "My daughter at daycare!" "Birthday party Saturday" "Allotted grocery hour!" I probably sounded (and looked ) like a maniac.  I had packed all the groceries in my own bags so I hastily began yanking things out of the bags so I could take them with me and I was crying and I marched out of the store. Once outside I realized that I really wouln't have time tomorrow to do this all over again. So I had to take my pathetic self back in and ask them if they could locate my cart and hold it for me while I figured out what to do.

My bank is a 1/2 hour away from Woodmans.  I had no checks. They don't take credit cards.  So I called my in-laws who live in Franklin and tried not to cry while I asked them if they knew of a branch of our bank that was closer, and they said they'd come bring me some cash.  I went back into Woodman's with my wounded pride and tear stained face and waited for them.  They came. As soon as they pulled into the parking lot, I started crying all over again.  They paid. We left (two and a half hours after I'd gotten there). 

Tad picked up Lucy for me at daycare and I drove home in rush hour traffic trying to breathe evenly and not feel like a huge ass!  I guess I'll remember my checks next time!

Here's me wigging out at Woodmans

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