Monday, April 25, 2011

If you need help, dial zero


So we're in the home stretch.  Tad has exactly four weeks left until he is done at the Montessori Institute.  This is a good thing and a bad thing. It is a good thing, obviously, because in four weeks Tad will be done with studying, writing, rewriting, chart painting, lesson practicing and so on...  It is also a good thing because in about fifteen weeks, we will no longer be a single income family.  That is especially good because our Badgercare premium went up and our Foodshare went down to exactly the same amount. Which is weird.  But I'm not complaining because I APPRECIATE it and don't know what we'd do without it.  But our car just needed about $700 worth of work and the water bill came in the mail and Whaa Whaa Whaa.  So I'm happy about the home stretch.

But the other thing the home stretch means is that Tad now has to do homework about 75 percent of his life.  (it seems)  He has made a schedule for the studying that needs to be done and the Montessori albums that need to be turned in and the practice teaching he needs to do before GRADUATION day on May 21st (which also happens to be our 7 year anniversary).  What this amounts to, in my world, is two nights a week and one full Saturday alone with the kids.  It'll be rather challenging and it will make me really respect single parenthood big time. 

Then at the end of the evening, in which I had ten minutes to write this blog before Tad needs the computer for homework, I got a message on my phone from the Billing Office at the Doctor...  If I need help, it said, dial zero.  It didn't tell me what the issue was. I think I might not call them back until September.


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