A good way to save money is to make meals that last for more than one day. It also saves ENERGY! This week's meal schedule:
Lunch: Egg salad sandwiches, pickles and carrotts (eggs leftover from the Easter Bunny)
Dinner: African peanut chicken stew. Deeeeelicious! (Canned ravioli for the kids--Annie's organic--a splurge)
Lunch: Egg salad Sandwiches, pickles and carrotts
Dinner: Lefotver African peanut chicken stew (Homemade macaroni and fishsticks for the kids)
Lunch: Leftover homemade macaroni and fish sticks
Dinner: Tacos
Lunch: Leftover tacos
Dinner: Lefotver tacos
Lunch: Salads with grilled chicken (lefover grilled chicken from the peanut stew)
Dinner: I'm going out with my girlfriends/Coen has a sleepover--Tad and Lucy are on their own! :)
Lunch: Stuff around the house (prolly a picnic if it stops raining of PB & J with carrot sticks)
Dinner: Date night! We'll have to find a way to do it cheap!
Lunch: Similar to Saturday
Dinner: Pizza (leftover from LAST Sunday's big pizza, thawed from frozen)
I shopped last week for this meal plan and even got enough food for some extra meals which will give us a lighter shopping load next week! We're starting to feel the single income burn but we're so close to the end!
You engergize me, but the three tacos in a row meals... not sure 'bout dat..