Sunday, May 1, 2011

A weekend full of generosity and gratitude

I had a recent girls support group where I told my girls that when you are really angry and your heart is pounding and your fists are clenched and you want to scream, that it is good for your heart and your body and your mind to take that moment to think of something you are grateful for. This simple act can slow down your heart, spread good feelings through you and calm you down.

Friday night I had girls night with my friends... I was considering packing a bag dinner to avoid spending more money.  Tad told me that sometimes you have to get into a little credit card debt when you are in great need of socialization and fun.  He also recommended I don't embarrass my girlfriends by pulling out a sack lunch at a restaurant.  We had a lovely time and halfway through dinner my sister leaned over and said "Did you order what you wanted or did you order based on money?"  And I told her I was very happy with my BLT and fries.  She then said, "Well I was just checking because I'm paying for your dinner."  I am so grateful for her, and that gesture.

All day yesterday and shortly all day today I have to keep my kids out of the house so Tad get get his Montessori Math Album finished.  I won't go into the details but it's basically 300 pages of charts, graphs and long lesson explanations.  In between these two days Tad and I got a date night. When I dropped Coen and Lucy off at my parents for their sleepover, my mom pulled me aside and handed me a $20 bill.  "It's for dinner", she said. Not ten minutes later, my dad took my arm and gave me another $20! "Dad!" I said, "Mom already gave me one!"  He laughed and put it away. He went into his office and came back again with a ten-dollar-bill. "Have dessert too." he said. 

Tad and I went to Mama Mia's and picked up a large pizza with onions and tomato (I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how good it was to have restaurant pizza!!) and then we got Baskin Robbins for dessert.  I am so grateful to my parents for that dinner last night.

So next time I am angry, irate, or so frustrated I can't see straight and my heart is pounding....I'll think of my three generous family members and the meals (and help and fun and love and understanding) they provided me with this weekend and my heart will slow and I'll get a little calmer.

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