Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Christmas in August

So, every year Tad teases me because I start talking about Christmas in the summer. And this year even more, I want to start thinking about it now because I will need to buy presents for people (or MAKE presents for people) starting early so I can spread it out over the next four months.
Now, likely people I know will be reading this—like my mom—so I won’t go into what I’m getting (or making) for whom for the most part. But I can say that my coworker offered me her daughter’s old dollhouse and I took it. I will make some new wallpaper for it and sew some tiny little blankets and pillows for the bed and give it to Lucy for Christmas. She’ll never know it was second-hand, nor will she care. Actually, I cleaned our closet the other day and noticed an accidental stockpile of potential presents. There were space books, still in packaging from Coen’s space phase; there was unopened playdoh and a pile of Tad’s old Star Wars Toys. Guess what Coen’s getting for his seventh birthday next month!!!!
I plan on spreading these goodies out over various gift giving events for the kids and putting my crafting, sewing and knitting skills to good use for some other gifts. But it’s taken me since last February to knit the half scarf I have done now, so I best get crackin’ I suppose. Is it rude to get knitting done in a work meeting?
I suppose it prolly is.
At any rate, Happy Christmas in August everyone!

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