Monday, August 23, 2010

The kindness of friends

After having shared the news about Tad’s career move with friends, family and neighbors, many people expressed their congratulations to both of us about the new direction we were taking.  It is really wonderful and it’s making Tad and I both feel really good about this. 

After the initial shock of one-income life wore off...I started to notice how happy Tad was.  The change in him was obvious after less than a week of school. He said to me while doing homework, the first week in: "I wish you could see my brain on a jumbotron this week compared to last week."  I practically can, in his eyes!

Tad’s parents gave us an immediate and generous loan which I am determined to spread out over the first five months and will see if school loans can give us more for the next five.  My parents offered a home re-finance if we need the extra help.  Jeez! I said no to that kind offer. 

My co-worker Stephanie keeps giving me lunches.  She’s wonderful at making sure that I know that she’s not trying to make me feel weird. She’s given me a leftover salad, a leftover sandwich and even a bag of leftover items that were a snack for a meeting.  Not only is this keeping me from spending money on lunches, but it’s keeping me from having to pack any.  Dear readers, many of you may pack lunches for your workday. Those of you who have children, spouses, partners, etc… pack lunches for several people ever day.  I don’t know about you but I HATE PACKING LUNCHES.  I don’t know what it is.  It only takes, like, what… ten minutes total?  But man, oh man do I hate packing lunches.  The days that I don’t have to pack lunches or have to pack a few less lunches, I tell you, it is a day for celebration! If only I could afford some champagne.  Ha…just kidding.

My neighbor Stephanie (whoah…it’s a name trend) called me one Saturday and told me I could come shop for clothes, for me, at her rummage sale, FOR FREE!  She wears the cutest clothes and is exactly my size.  What a gift… rummaging through her rack of shirts, pants, shorts and sweaters, it was like shopping!  It was lovely. And I haven’t even not shopped yet.  I mean, it’s only been a few weeks since this big change.

Others have been supportive and made offers of generosity as well.  My girlfriends assure me we can do nights in together instead of nights out.  Another neighbor, Kim, said when we get together next, the pizza’s on her.

I told many of my coworkers the news.  Some of them can help me apply for state benefits such as food share and badger care and of course know what it’s like living on a non-profit income.  At a work event, two of my coworkers won door prizes.  Both gift cards to culvers for a free meal and a scoop of ice cream. They gave them to me.  Now Tad and I will be able to have a date night!  We’ll gaze into each other’s eyes over burgers and malts.  It’ll be just like the fifties. Maybe I’ll wear my bobby socks. 

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