Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crossing over

There are people out there--and I guarantee that each one of you knows one--who cannot stand to see a single foodstuff to be laid to waste.  There is a bowl with three bites of potato salad left? Back in the fridge it goes, covered in plastic wrap because someone at some point might want to finish it.  Oh! You see that half-eaten seeded roll?  No no, not in the garbage! Best wrap that one in tin foil and place it atop the fridge. You never know when someone might want that roll with their soup!
Now I have never been one of those people, no sir. But tonight, I have crossed over. Crossed over, I tell you!  Do you know what I am doing right now?  I am baking. BAKING!  It is ninety some degrees outside and I am baking cookies in a 350 degree oven, sweating my face off in the kitchen. 
Why, you ask? Why, well apparently I have lost my ever-loving mind because I am baking chocolate zucchini cookies because there was a zucchini...a fifty-cent zucchini, mind you, that looked like it was close to its end and I just HAD to use it in some recipe or other so as not to waste it!
Look out my friends. You may have lost me!


  1. Zucchini cookies? That's just so wrong.

    (2nd time I'm trying to post this comment-didn't seem to show up 1st time, so if you see two, oops.)

  2. Yeah, Brian...it turned out it WAS wrong!
