Saturday, October 23, 2010

How Elegant!

Well the Elegant Farmer broke my bank but not all the way...

 Every year, my sister and I and our families go to the Elegant Farmer for lunch (and pumpkins, and caramel apples, and pie, and everything else that looks good)  It is the one annual-don't-miss-it event between our two families. 

On the way there I had Tad stop at a gas station and take $150 out of the ATM.  That is all we get, I told him (really I was telling me) for the WHOLE weekend.  And that much only because it's an activity and commerce filled weekend.  On our budget, we normally get about $20 for the weekend.  Though, at the Elegant Farmer in years past, I have acted like it was a shopping spree there and spent something like $150.00 just on the groceries!

This year we met my sister and her husband and kids at 10:30 a.m. and took the trolley train ride from the Elegant Farmer to East Troy and back.  The kids loved it.  It was $12.50 per adult and $8.00 per kid. Lucy was free.
So that's $33.00

Then we shopped.  And got our lunch.
We got
Three ham sandwiches
Banana bread
A dessert for each kid
2 butternut squash
Pancake mix
Cheese curds
some drinks and some other stuff I'm probably forgetting

for about $60.00

And we got our pumpkins. Coen and Lucy each picked out a small one and then Coen insisted upon a medium one for Tad and I to share

Elegant farmer total $106.00

So we still have money to go to the village of Greendale's haunted walk in the woods and get dinner tonight!

Now if I can only convince Tad that another outing is a good idea!

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