Sunday, October 10, 2010

Now we're cooking with grease

I am having a lot of trouble cooking lately.  I am chalking it up to the AMOUNT of cooking I'm doing.  Here are a list of my mishaps in time sequenced order.

Friday: I made a chicken dish with a pear rosemary sauce.  The sauce never thickened!  It just never did. I was told to cook down until it is a sauce consistency and it was a watery consistency all the way.  "Why won't you turn into sauce?!" I yelled at it.  But to no avail.  Eventually, I added corn starch, but too late, so it was clumpy.  Then on the side I made that potato cheese casserole, the one with the corn flakes crushed up on top.  The potatoes turned this completely weird and gross brownish green color.  It all tasted good but looked just horrific!

Saturday: I made a batch of chocolate chip cookies for Tad and I to have with our vanilla ice cream.  I made them, just like I always make them...but when I took them out of the oven, the bottoms were burned and the tops seemed not to be cooked!

Sunday: Pancake morning. I decided to try my dad's recipe instead of my usual.  On the list of ingredients was "vinegar". Vinegar? That couldn't be right. But I made them, as directed and found out later from my dad that it was a misprint. Should have said sugar.  Those were weird pancakes.  My son said, "I'll eat them, but they'll need a LOT of syrup"  I made double batch too, to last us the week.

Tad's cooking tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. i can sympathize on the sauce thickening -- i love cooking, but "reduction" of sauces is something i have never done correctly in the history of my life. i usually end up throwing in a ton of flour :)
