Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To say 'dang it' or to say 'darn it'...That is the question.

This morning I went into the kitchen and saw that both Tad and I had forgotten to put the thawing pork into the fridge overnight. 
"Dang it!"  I said, throwing the possibly bacteria-ridden, illness-inducing product into the garbage.
"Mommy!" Came a shout from Lucy. "You said 'dang it.' You should say 'darn it'; its nicer."
Hmm..is it nicer? I wondered who told her that. 

At any rate, tonight's dinner was ruined and I was saying far worse things in my head than 'dang it' or 'darn it'

But when I got back to my desk after a staff meeting at work, I saw that MPS is cancelled for tomorrow due to the coming snow storm and early dismissal today.  I had planned on a regular night, waste not want not and all that and just fashioning some dinner out of other in-the-house supplies.  But now...


I stopped at the store on the way home and picked up some more pork for my previously planned pork and hominy stew and some bread and some other provisions--mostly chocolate flavored. 

We are having a good dinner tonight and dessert after. Tomorrow will be a sudden middle of the week weekend day and we'll have homemade zucchini bread and smoothies and watch cartoons all morning long!

Oh. Wait.  We have no more zucchini.  Darn it!

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