Monday, February 28, 2011

Fun in the snow

Yesterday we made our first snowman of the year, believe it or not.  Before we went out, we prepared a fun project for the kids.  I got this idea from Tad's cousin Jenny. Check out her blog:

We filled four squirt bottles with water dyed with food coloring. Then we all went outside and decorated the snow. We were soon joined by several neighbor children.  The poor snowman first lost his head (which was reattached through some very quick surgery, don't you worry, though he did come out with a broken nose. That couldn't have been helped).  He almost lost his eyes to five hungry children but thankfully I had some extras in the house.  Finally, he ended the afternoon looking like a snowcone gone bad!  But we had a fabulous time!  After I tucked Lucy in for bed, she asked me to go out and give the snowman an ice cube bath and read him a bedtime story.

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