Saturday, February 12, 2011

Whatta week!

Well...just to update you, I did not buy Willie Nelson tickets. Now I'd like to tell you that this is because I am so full of self-control, however, this is not the case. I began typing up emails to parents asking for different babysitting dates, including the night of the Willie concert, when I saw that I actually have to WORK that night.  So I've been saved by my own schedule.  Here's hoping he comes next year!

That was the beginning of the week.  My in-laws came home on Sunday from Florida to watch the super bowl with us and planned a stand-by flight back on Tuesday morning.  On Monday morning, Lucy's daycare provider called us to say she was ill and unavailable that day.  Panic!  But lucky for us, Tad's parents were still in town and they gladly took Lucy for the day.   Tuesday Lucy goes to my parents so that was covered... But on Wednesday we got another call and found that we would be without Lucy's usual daycare for the rest of the week!  Now, Tad absolutely cannot skip any school and I had classes, presentations, meetings and appointments ALL week!  Normally I can take Lucy to the office with me and she does really well, but this was my week:
Monday:  Meetings all over the city at several MPS entities
Tuesday: Meeting with Milwaukee County, Meeting with a Transition Advisory Board, Meeting at a high school
Wednesday: Legislative visit day in Madison all day, meeting with legislators
Thursday: Four classes at Morse Marshall school
Friday: Support group at St. Charles Alternative school, Sex ed talk presentation
Not exactly a group of events one can take a three-year-old to....
So we had my parents take Lucy on Wednesday and Friday (I am overwhelmed at their generosity!) and our friend Jenny came over on Thursday with her son so that I could go teach my four classes.

Aside from that Tad has had piles of homework and the two of us were up until 11 or 12 every night this week working on it.  Not to mention a meeting at Coen's school for each of us Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. 

 It has been an incredibly stressful, worrisome, scramble of a week and I am so very glad its over.  However two good things came of it:
1. We now have $200 worth of daycare credit! Whoo hooo!
2. I have a very profound appreciation for all of our in-place daycare. Tad's parents--MY PARENTS--and Lucy's daycare provider (here's hoping she is well on Monday). I feel so thankful for that help and the solidity of it (usually)  Not having 2/3 of it this week made life real hard!

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