Saturday, January 8, 2011


So one of my dearest friends had her birthday on December 28th.  She lives in Chicago and is having her birthday party tonight at a bar called Sofo.  My sister and our two other closest friends decided that we are going to go!  We got ourselves a hotel room and we leave this afternoon to drive down there.  How excited am I to go on a road trip and spend the night with four of my favorite women!

Of course, due to the holidays and the onset of winter energy bills, Tad and I are out of money. This did not occur to me until yesterday.  Crap.  I'll  have to pay for my share of the hotel, dinner tonight, breakfast tomorrow and a taxi ride from the bar to our hotel.  What to do?!

I talked to Tad about it and he said.  "This is your vacation. Just charge it all.  You deserve this and I don't want you worrying about money." 

But then I realized that we have a couple envelopes of money received for Christmas.  My uncle, who has been generous with my sister and I since we were little girls, gave us each an envelope this year on Christmas eve.  $100.  Wow.

So I'll bring that and have a night out in Chicago, courtesy of  my sweet Uncle Boobers (a nickname given him by my dad early in my parents dating life). 

Lucky thing I don't drink at all. I think I'll be able to stretch it.  Here's my estimated budget...I guess we'll see how close I get!

My share of the hotel -- $40
Dinner tonight -- $20
Sodas at the bar -- $5
Taxi back to the hotel -- $20
Breakfast tomorrow -- $15

Now to get rid of this cold that has been plaguing me the last couple days! 

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