Saturday, January 22, 2011

A sisterly act of kindness

I had to make a list yesterday of things I was stressed out about.  Then I exed off the things I could not control and crossed off the things that I took care of.  This was the list:
1. Money
2. The garage door is broken
3. The washing machine is broken
4. My in-laws are going out of town for several weeks, thereby ridding us of one day a week of free daycare
5. I have to ask my daugher's daycare provider to add on extra days which stresses me out.

So money is basically linked to 1-4 and I exed it off since I have no control over how much money we have right now. 
Then I talked to my daugher's daycare person and she was really nice about the schedule changes and added days. I crossed that off.
Then I had the garage door fixed and we just charged it.
Number four I can't control.
And all that is now left is the washing machine. Which I will put off until we have several loads of laundry at the bottom of the steps-no doubt.

My sister called after I made this list and I vented to her about all my concerns.  She was planning on coming with her kids for dinner tonight.  "I'll bring dinner!" She said. "NO!" I said. "We have stuff."  "Well save your stuff for another night and I'll bring dinner."  I protested again and then she said "You are supposed to just say, 'Thank you. That would be very helpful.' "  So I said it.

What a good sister!

And it was helpful to make that list. I'm much more of a state of calm now.  And I can get in my garage!

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