Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Playoff football and an abundance of food.

Now, I have never been much of a football fan.  And I am surrounded by them. When I was growing up, it was football every Sunday. My parents, either just the two of them or with friends, more often than not joined by my sister, set up the raw beef and onions, beers, chips and other sport-viewing snacks.  There'd be a lot of yelling, standing and cheering, jumping up suddenly...  I didn't like it. Possibly it was because I could not for the life of me understand that game. Possibly I thought it was too violent. A likely reason was because I would try and steer people's attention from the game by trying to tell some amusing anecdote about myself and would be shushed. 

So usually I went outside to play, walk in the woods, or find a non-football-fanatic friend.

When I was in college, I was feeling very lonely and bored in the dorms on a Sunday afternoon because everyone was watching football.  I did what any self-respecting homesick college freshman does.  I called my mom.
Mom: Hello?
Me: Mom?
Mom: Hi honey! How are you?
Me: Oh, I'm bored, everyone's watching football and no one wants me to talk and I'm lonesome.
Mom: Oh I'm sorry, you're having a rough.... TOUCHDOWN!!!!!! Whoooohooooo!!!! (lots of noise and commotion in the background)

And what did I do? I married a football fan. I suppose its a hard thing to avoid.  But in marrying Tad and hanging out with him and our families on game days, I must admit, I understand the game a little better. I actually have come to enjoy watching it, even if I don't care who wins.

And so its playoffs and so it seems there is football talk and football  facebook posts and football in the news and football on everyone's shirts. But with playoffs comes parties and with playoff parties comes food. Lots of it.  I do appreciate that.

 We watched the Packers make it into the playoffs at Tad's parents and we were sent home with bread and chocolates and soup and leftover snacks.

We watched the playoffs last weekend at Tad's cousin's house.  They ordered Pizza and wings and we had a salad and brownies and cookies.  For the second round of games in the evening, we went home to get the kids to bed but Tad's cousin gave us leftover pizza and ribs and rice that was brought by guests for the Packer game. That fed us for two days!

Sunday we'll go watch at my parents' house and inevitably there will be leftovers to take home, and at any rate a meal that I don't have to cook or buy!

So even if I think the game is kind of violent. And even if sometimes when I do watch it hits me how extremely Weird it is to have a game where you throw a ball to another guy and then the guy tries to run and a bunch of huge guys try to knock him down...  And even if I think the announcers who talk about what might happen in the game before the game and what is currently happening in the game during the game and what did happen in the game after the game is $%&ing ridiculous....I sure do like the leftovers.

Go Pack.

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