Sunday, January 16, 2011

Goodbye Bob the Builder. Hello Dora.

At the holidays I really wanted to order Charlie and Lola's Christmas special for my kids.  Charlie and Lola is a British show about a big brother and a little sister and it is ADORABLE and very asthetically pleasing to me.  My kids love it.  Tad bargained with me.  If I wanted Charlie and Lola, I had to get rid of another Christmas special.  We had Bob the Builder's Christmas in the back of our cupboard. Coen has long since grown out of Bob the Builder and Lucy doesn't seem interested. 
An aside: I have TRIED I tell you, tried to get my kids to be interested in gender neutral toys and games and books.  I bought Coen dolls along with his trucks and dinosaurs and Lucy trucks and dinosaurs along with her dolls.  But what happened?  Coen tossed his doll aside and smashed cars into each other while dinsoaurs jumped roughly atop them.  Lucy cradled her babies and put trucks and dinosaurs gently into their cribs.  What can you do?
Anyway, we gave Bob to our neighbors--two little boys that our kids love--for a Christmas present.

Today we went over to see my dear friend and her daughter who is nine years old. Before we left, she rifled through her videos and gave Lucy two Dora the Explorer DVDs that she doesn't watch anymore.

It was firsthand proof to my kids that what goes around comes around.  Today is Suday. My family's traditional pizza and movie night.  And right now my children are curled up on the couches full of pizza and ice cream and watching Dora. 

Oh video sharing, how lovely.

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