Thursday, March 3, 2011

I got a hair looks like you got 'em all cut! badum-bum

I have heard many a friend of mine relaying stories of their spouses or partners complaining about how much they spend on hair.  Hair cuts, hair dyes, touch ups, bangs...  Why, just yesterday my sister got bangs!  And my girlfriends, at a recent dinner, told us about how much a cut and dye is: $80-$150, sometimes even more!!!  I asked a variety of friends how often they go and the answers seem to vary between every two to four months.  That is large money indeed.
So since our new income has descended upon us, we have felt that haircuts are a frivolity that we can go without for now.  My hair has gotten very long since August.  So has Tad's. And the childrens'.  Here's the thing, though...  The same people who spend large quantities on their own hair, often report that they take their kids into places like Cost Cutters where haircuts are no more than $10-15.  Tad and I prefer the Cutting Room for our kids hair.  They charge $25 a hair cut. No matter how old you are. 
The Cutting Room is located on Farwell avenue, right by Landmark Theater.  Here's the thing that is great about it.  You know Beauty? The top salon in Milwaukee?  You pay $75 JUST for a haircut there, for one of the top stylists...$50 at the least.  But at the Cutting Room..You get a stylist FROM Beauty for $25. They do a great job.  The catch? You can't make an appointment or request someone. It's walk-in only. But they're all good. And they even have booster seats for the children.
  Now the other day, Tad and I were lucky enough that my mom couldn't take how long Coen's hair was any longer and took him to get it cut! No-my parents always offer to take the kids for haircuts-on them.  It is wonderfully generous.  Here they are getting their haircuts!

So we are very lucky to have such generous parents, who took our kids for their haircuts.  Just for fun, though, I did a cost analysis on annual haircuts for a family of four who gets haircuts in the typical fashion I described at a fancy salon, and the way we do it.  Just to see if we're coming out even. (obviously I'm making a lot of assumptions here).

"Normal" family of four (assuming 1 person dyes)        Us
Adult #1- Cut and color 4X a year                             Adult #1 - Cut 2X a year (color from a box)
$400                                                                          $65
Adult #2 - Cut 3 X a year                                          Adult #2 - Cut 2 X a year
$120                                                                          $50
Children - Cut 3 X a year each                                   Children -  Cut 2 X a year each
$60                                                                            $100
TOTAL=$580                                                           TOTAL=$215

So, I may be WAY off, but I'm going to operate under the blissful assumption that I am saving HUGE money, because of our partial frugality, haircutting infrequency, even offset by our more expensive childhair cut taste. 
Here's to taking a little off the top! Whaaa whaaaaa!

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