Tuesday, August 23, 2011

credit credit credit cards

My son thinks that our debit card is just this magical thing that has an endless supply of money on it.  I have explained to him that it is not as such.  When I use a credit card, I explain to him that with THIS card, you acutally have to pay more than what something costs when you use it.  Every time I pay for something now, he says, "You're NOT using the credit card, are you?" with a hint of panic in his voice.  Its probably a good reminder.

Now that our one-income days are dwindling down, and its summer and there are so many things to do and see, we are living on credit a bit.  Our bill isn't as big as some, but its a bit bigger than I'd like it to be.  But I guess, after our year, having a small amount of debt going into it is to be expected.

Once that first Friday comes when we have two paychecks instead of one...I hope to begin to do two things.
1. catch up
and then
2. get ahead.

I'm looking forward to it at any rate.  Ha ha. rate.

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