Monday, August 15, 2011

The optimists club

An optimist phrase, I tend to believe in.

Over the weekend, I went to Sturgeon Bay with two friends, also mothers at Coen's school.  We had a wonderful time, talking on the way up and stopping for lunch in Algoma, and just doing nothing really.  How lovely it was to do just nothing.  When we first arrived, at 3:00, all three of us wondered...what should we do? I'm used to kids being around, snacks needing to be made, activities needing to be planned, arguments needing to be refereed.  So a night of talking and talking and eating and more talking was just what I needed.


Whilst we were in Algoma, there was a big community festival going on and we passed a tent of people selling hot dogs and their banner read, "The Optimists".  Well, needless to say, being an optimist myself, I was quite excited.  An Optimists Club! What could happen. Do they show up to their picnics and say, "Well, its raining, but wow, the grass sure needed it!"  Or "Jim's not here tonight and he was going to take minutes, but now I can finally practice my shorthand!"  or WHAT?!  I went to inquire and apparently there is a group called Optimist International and they work with youth. Strangely this aligns with my career, so I've been looking around the Internet about this.


What it got me thinking about is optimism in general, most specifically my own.  I know I tend to be rather cheery.  I get questions like, "Are you ALWAYS happy?" or "Do you EVER get mad?" Now, those who are closest to me know that no..I'm not always happy and yes..I sometimes get mad.  But I also know that even my anger can be rather amusing and entertaining.  I move in a cartoon like rapidity when I'm mad.  My voice becomes high...also cartoon like.  I say the first thing that comes in my clouded head which, generally, is rather silly, extreme or just plain weird.  I lean to the side of cheeriness most of the time.  So I wonder, is this annoying, this trait of mine? Do I need to be more of a realist?  Is "everything is going to work out; it ALWAYS does!" a phrase that makes my loved ones want to wring my cheerful little neck?  I do not know. But I do know that I enjoy my outlook most of the time.  I try to have at least some FUN most of the time and to remain positive.  So maybe I'll start my own optimist chapter in Milwaukee.  A chapter not that works with youth but that sits around and spews optimism.  You won't come to such a club, you say? Well that's okay! At least I'll get some practice being alone in a silent room!'s another take on the subject.

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