Monday, September 20, 2010

Breakdown at Betty Brinn's

So on Saturday, a school picnic got cancelled due to rain and the though of keeping our two children occupied and away from each other (every time they were in a room alone a scream of "MOMMY!" or "DADDY!" or "He hit me!" or "She won't leave me alone" erupted) indoors all morning.  My parents had purchased recently a Betty Brinn's Children's museum family membership and put mine and Tad's names on it.
 Off we went to visit the Children's Museum. (Or the Children's Merneezum, as Coen used to call it) for FREE!!  We went up to the desk, as we always do and the the clerk looked at us and her computer screen and then told me we'd need to pay for one adult.
Immediately I panicked.  I should have taken a deep breath and assessed the situation, but I had two impatient kids and just enough on my check card for one more round of groceries before we get paid again.
I told her in a controlled voice that we'd gotten in before on my parents' card, no problem. But she informed me that this is for grandparents and one caregiver only and my husband and I were clearly two caregivers. 
"You're still getting a really good deal", she said to me.
"We don't have any money." I said like a petulant child
I called my mom
She spoke to the clerk like a mom does when she's sticking up for her daughter who is upset.
They ended up letting us in "just this time". I was embarrassed about raising a stink. But I figured, 'oh well, I won't see her again today anyway.'
So off we went venturing around the museum.  We went to the body exhibit. And who was there dusting off the exhibit structures but my good friend from the desk. Dang it!
We went over to the pretend/town area. Who was there picking up garbage but my friend again! Sheesh!
When we went downstairs to have a snack, there she was, sweeping the foyer.  My son engaged her in conversation and and pointed out how similar her hair was to his mommy's. "Mommy, come here!" he yelled to me, "Look at your hairs!"  She smiled at me indulgently. I felt like an ass.
Oh well, at least we didn't have to pay.

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