Friday, September 3, 2010


Well, I did some spurging.  I am not remorseful. 

Splurge #1: Coen has not been eating his lunches.  When questioned why, he reported that his lunch box is soggy and smells funny.  I inspected. Indeed, it smells funny and a small tear on the inner lining is collecting moisture AND food smells.  SO...upon request, I went online and bought him a Star Wars lunch box. He's going to love it. I don't care if it was $15.00 (including shipping).
Splurge #2: Sometimes you just have to pay for quality. Three of four of us in our family have a nice Sigg Metal water bottle.  Lucy has a knock-off from Target. It is a piece of crap. She cannot open it by herself. In fact neither Tad nor Coen can open it by themselves either. I have to open it. With my teeth.  I am going to buy her a Sigg one.  I have not made this spurge yet.... but I'm telling you; its going to happen.
Splurge #3 (The last): Today, Tad and I spent the day with just Lucy. I believe this is only the second or third time in her life that she's spent a WHOLE DAY with Tad and me. No big brother. (he was at school)  Coen spent his first four years of life with just Tad and me so I'm happy that we got to do this. So we went to Alterra. We spent $13.00.  We got two coffees (and two refills), a milk, a piece of pumpkin chocolate chip bread (Lucy's favorite) and a quiche.  It had to be done.

We took Lucy to Betty Brinn's (free -- we have an already purchased membership -- thanks Mom and Dad)  We ate a lunch at home (Thanks $76.77 worth of groceries) and then during Lucy's nap, we watched a movie on the couch in the middle of the day.  (thanks Netflix)
Oh!  Well, then.
Splurge #4:  I am sorry, but if I can't go to any movies, concerts, plays or sporting events for the duration of the year, I'm not getting rid of Netflix. No way. No how. 
So there.

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