Monday, September 27, 2010

On Sale This Week: A big hunk of meat!

So I will do my grocery shopping, per usual, on Wednesday when it is double coupon day. This week's big ticket item? A big hunk of meat.  Boooooring!  It is a boneless beef chuck roast. If you purchase you get a free bag of potatoes, carrots and celery.  Hmmmmm...How to make this interesting....

The cool thing about the grocery store ad is if you go online, you can click on specials of the week and it often gives you a recipe to go along with it--so you know what to make!  This week's recipe: pot roast with vegetables.  The instructions include a dutch oven.  Pot roast!? Dutch oven?!  I don't even have a dutch oven and I am sorry, but I am not making a pot roast. What is this? 1952?

Okay, okay, I'm sure some of you out there make a mean pot roast, but I can't do it. And furthermore, if I did do it, my kids wouldn't eat it. And if any of you, my dear readers are mothers or fathers who spend forever planning meals, preparing meals, cooking meals and serving meals only to have your sweet little angels turn their noses up at all your labors....well, it is an unpleasant thing indeed.

But I googled "Beef chuck roast recipe". I'm learning to be a better googler, by the way. There was a time when I'd have googled "What do do with a beef chuck roast when you don't want to make a pot roast"  Seriously.  Tad is teaching me to be less verbose in my googling.  So "beef chuck roast recipe" yielded of course many results but I found one that's sure to strike the fancy of all of my family members.  Barbeque pulled beef sandwiches. That's what we're having on Thursday and Friday with broccoli and some tortilla chippies.  I might even buy an avocado!

Let's hear it for big chunks of meat. And google.

1 comment:

  1. I am a definite google-holic, and my dear husband and I have goggle races to see who can find the answer first....yeah....DORKS!! It is a true skill...and um, Alie, on a cold fall day, pot roast rocks!!! Especially with a hunk of homemade bread.
