Thursday, June 23, 2011

Think it, and it shall be so

I think I tend to annoy my friends and loved ones with my urgings to THINK POSITIVE!  My constantly smiling face and upbeat facebook posts annoy the crap out of some people (so I'm told).  However..I have to say that for the most really does work.  And its not that I'm never in a bad mood. Sheesh. Just ask my kids. Or my husband.  But I guess to be honest, mostly, I'm pretty happy.

My friend and coworker spoke this afternoon to the group of teenagers with whom I am spending my week at my Youth Leadership Summit and he told his story. His story, in a nutshell, is that he was shot  some time ago and paralyzed...and it was hard to come to terms with and sometimes is hard still..but he would not change things, had he to do it over again.  Do you know why? Because he is who he is today because of the life he's lived and the things that have happened to him.  (Aren't we all?)  And he likes who he is today.  And so do I.  Watching him joke with my group and talk to them about believing in themselves and trying hard to succeed, I was proud to be his friend.  And so pleased they were hearing that message.

The point of that, besides the above shout-out (do people say 'shout-out' anymore?  I am not sure), is that the Youth Leadership Summit is a TON of work.  A TON!  And sometimes I find I spend the whole week (like so many other days, nights, weeks) just sort of pushing through and thinking about when its over...and I can say that I did it.  So I told myself this time....this is going to be a GOOD group, I can feel it.  And I am going to be WITH them this week.  Just be part of the event (and run around like a maniac getting things done, but not too much) and see what these kids are like.  And I am having a blast.  This is an amazing group of youth and they are fun, and smart and kind and respectful.  They are enjoying each other and the summit. 

I also, gave myself a similar pep talk about my own kids.  Sometimes as a parent, you just want it to be bedtime already. I am the first to admit it.  But when I rush through my night, doing dishes and hurrying bedtime along...I miss out on my kids.  So I've been trying very hard to slow down and enjoy them lately.  And it's been wonderful. Coen and Lucy are both so smart and loving and sweet and hilarious.  I'm very blessed...I know that.

But I also know that part of what blesses me is what I put out there.  And I try to make it good. 


  1. Hi Allie.
    I loved the caption in your picture. I also appreciate the fact that you are always positive. You took what could have been a very tough year (and I'm sure it was) but never really complained. (You vented, but never really truly complained.)There are times when I tell myself I really need to start thinking more positively. I read your blog religiously. I'm hoping that even though the focus might change (no longer will you be a one income family), you will continue this blog. Thanks for keeping me going!

  2. Thank you thank you thank you, Kari!!!!
