Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Let your laughter fill the room

Coen recently asked me what my favorite thing in the whole world is...and when I started to answer that it was him, and his sister and Tad...he said "No no, not people...what's your favorite thing in the world BESIDES people?"  Now, it was bedtime and I think he was stalling, but I had to hand it to him, it was an interesting question. I told him I'd have to consider it awhile; this is not a question to be taken lightly.

When I was on my run this morning, the answer came to me.  My favorite thing in the world, besides all the people in it, is uncontrollable, helpless laughter.  When you are doubled over, on the floor laughing so hard your stomach hurts and  you can not stop.  Oh, yes, that is my favorite thing in all the world. 

I have always gotten laugh attacks. I don't know if it happens to everyone...  When something just strikes you as funny and the funny goes on and on and you can't stop. My mom gets them too. I wonder if its hereditary. It strikes me that its been a while since I've had a good laugh attack.  I'll have to start looking for silliness...  In the meantime, I better go tell my son the answer to his question. I think he'll like it.

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