Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Okay, now, that's inappropriate.

This has not much to do with living simpler, cooking, shopping or money.  It has all to do with raising children and the conundrums that come up on a daily basis. 

So poopy talk.  My children just love it.  We have a "not at the table, not in the car and not at the grandparents" rule.  But they do it.  And sometimes they do it at the table, in the car and at the grandparents.  Lately its driving me crazy. 

Coen: Lucy, did you fart?
Lucy: No, did you fart?
Coen: You had a butt squirt.
Lucy: I had a butt squirt in my diaper!

Hysterical laughter ensues.  My main theory is this:  Children will always think that toilet talk is funny.  And I can not control what comes out of their mouths, nor am I going to spend my little time and energy punishing them, yelling at them or doling out consequences for their words, unless hurtful or mean.  Which, let's face it, poopy talk, while annoying, is not hurtful or mean.  And the way I see it, toilet talk among children is the way they learn to be funny.  I mean, come on!  "But squirt in my diaper" had the effect of 10 minutes of laughter, a stand-up comics mark of real success, right?  And when I think about it, what do I do when I'm out with my friends? I say inappropriate words.  I use the adults equivalent of toilet talk.  And its hilarious!  So why not my children?  Obviously they have to learn to use it at the right place and time. And I know I have to get better at having an Absolutely Not At The Table rule.  Because I admit, if I'm in a good mood, "Daddy, you farted in your macaroni" can make me laugh unexpectedly.  But if I'm stressed or in a bad mood (which has been more the case lately with Tad finishing school, our mounting end of the 1 income year debt, and the time I'm spending alone with the children lately) then the same phrase is not funny; it is maddening, enraging, and it MUST STOP!!!!!  "There have to be consequences for this!" I raged the other morning, as Tad calmed me down.

What to do?  I guess I'll keep working on my own reactions to the stuff, lest it be too extreme or too amused.  And I'll keep instituting the "Not at the table, not in the car and not around those who might be offended" rule, and let it fly when they're at play.  My dear readers, feel free to share your opinion on the subject!

Oh! And thanks for reading doodie butt!

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