Monday, May 23, 2011

Wasting money at Simma's

Over the weekend, on Saturday, things were a bit hairy. If you have been reading my blog or follow me on Facebook, you know that Saturday Tad took his exams and we had to wait a total of seven hours to find out how he did.

That morning, thankfully, we had Coen's soccer game to go to.  Crowded around with friends--other parents of children playing--it was easy to try and put the stress of waiting out of my head.  We gathered around, watching our children and talking.  One of the moms, who is a volunteer coach for the team, asked me if I'd hang onto her car keys while she was on the sidelines.  I put them in my bag.  After Coen's 9:00 game, there was another game at 10:00.  I really wanted to stay, just to kill more time.  And we did, for a while, but Coen was anxious to get back in the car and strip off his sweaty soccer stuff, so we left halfway through. 

I decided that we should go to Simma's and pick up a cheesecake for Tad to celebrate his school finish.  I stopped home to grab my wallet and then off we went to Simma's.  As we were heading over, my phone rang.  I had left with my friend's keys in my bag!  There was no other way to get them to her than for me to drive back to the soccer field which was in Oak Creek. 

The kids were not happy about the prospect of spending more time in the car, but I soothed them with promises of Simma's famous frosted sugar cookies. 

Alas, when we got into the bakery, there were no cheesecakes to be seen.  I had to make do with a slice of room to write 'congratulations'.  Oh well.  There were also no sugar cookies to be seen, nor any child-friendly desserts at all.  I should have left and come back later, as they told me all the usual bakery would be out by then.  But we were on our way to Oak Creek for the second time that day and I had promised a treat.  I spotted a caramel oatmeal bar -- I have always loved Simma's caramel oatmeal bars.  I purchased one for the kids to share as I was not going to spend even more money on two.  And you can't go wrong with caramel. Or can you?

Coen was upset that he had to share the bar with his sister.  Lucy was upset because it wasn't the sugar cookie I had promised.  Determined to keep my spirits high, I cheerfully praised the goodness of those bars and all three of us piled back into the car.  Coen's mood raised when he took his first bite (Thanks Simma's!) but Lucy cried until we got to the highway.  Big tears fell down her cheeks as she cried at a volume that doesn't seem like it should come from a person that small.  When she finally calmed down to take a bite, she noticed that the bar had crumbled and melted into her clenched little fist.  Promptly she began to cry again and pitched the whole thing forward with the throwing strength of a starting pitcher in the major leagues.  A thick, rectangular blob of caramel flew past my head and stuck to the dashboard.  I sighed.  Then, I did what any other stressed out, self-respecting mother would do.

I ate it.

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