Thursday, May 26, 2011

The pricelessness of grandparents

 My parents and Tad's parents have been helping us out..well...all our lives, obviously.  But as grandparents, they've been helping us out since the day we first became parents.  Coen was in the care of his Mainella grandparents one day a week until he started school, and the same with Lucy.  Coen was in the care of the Kriofske grandparents one day a week (two days a week from ages 1-3) and Lucy is with them every Tuesday. 

They also--both sets--do date nights for us, sick days, sudden school closures, vacations, bedtime routines when they're over for dinner...and the list goes on and on...

I am entirely aware of how lucky we are to have them--all four of them-- and I hope that I am able to properly express it as often as I think it.
Tomorrow, Tad and I will meet Tad's parents at Coen's school where they were get both kids and take them for the entire weekend, to their house!  Tad and I will be heading out on the road for a late anniversary weekend together.

How excited am I to have two full days and two full nights to uninterrupted without pausing to attend to an untied shoe, to watch a Lego construction be built step by step with narration from my boy, to assist someone in the bathroom, to help Lucy to reach something that's too high up--just to talk to my partner for two days!

We plan on hiking, walking, talking, eating, and most importantly--sleeping in!!!!  My mother gave us an anniversary card with some cash it in--insisting that we use it to treat ourselves to a night out for dinner--she's even going to ask for a full-report of what we ate to be sure we spent it as she desired! 

Thank you to the four amazing grandparents of my children  --  Grandpa, Nana, Papa and Baba...  for your time, your generosity, your spirit and your love.  I love the relationship my children are getting to have with you.  And thanks to grandparents everywhere for what they do!

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